1. Cooking Bonus Button Improved
- 'Cooking Speed x2' icon has been replaced with 'Cooking Bonus' icon.
- Tapping on the 'Cooking Bonus' icon, a buff window will popup, displaying 'Faster!', 'Blessed Soup', and 'What to Make?'.
- The Herb Stand and Cookbook Library icons have been removed from the quick menu.
2. Event Balance
- Increased the amount of event currency obtained from each tile.
- Bingo Rewards have been improved.
- The number of free draws has increased from 1 to 5.
- The number of draws after watching ads has changed from 9 to 5.
3. The order of completed Daily Missions and Achievements improved
- Daily Missions and Achievements with claimable rewards will now be displayed at the top.
- Daily Missions and Achievements with claimed rewards will now be displayed at the bottom.
4. Fishing System Improvement
4.1) 6 New fish species have been added.
- 3 Normal Fish (Horse Mackerel, Pond Smelt, Lenok)
- 3 Legendary Fish (Sea Bass, Catfish, Marlin)
4.2) 2 New fish achievements have been added.
4.3) Fishing balance adjusted
- Catch rates for normal fish have been adjusted.
- Catch rates for rare fish have been increased.
5. Cat Happiness System Improvement
5.1) 2 New Cat Food have been added.
- Cake Slice : Increases Happiness by 50.
- Fruit Tart : Increases Happiness by 100.
5.2) Achievements - Happiness have been added
- Achievements based on the number of cats with the Maximum Happiness have been added.
- These achievements consist of a total of 3 stages.
6. New Categorization - Skills
- If you choose to filter cats according to skills, cats will be displayed based on the following priorities:
1) Sorted in the order of skills.
2) Sorted based on the number of stars if the skill is the same.
3) Sorted in the order of sub-skills if the number of stars is the same.
4) Sorted in the order of the time the cat was found if the sub-skill is the same.
7. Bookmark Feature Added
- Bookmark icons can now be activated / deactivated from the cat's mini-room.
- When the bookmark is activated, the cat will be displayed at the top regardless of the filter.
8. Display Order of Costumes Changed
- Costumes will now be displayed based on the following priorities:
1. Upgradeable Costutme
2. Owned Costume
3. High-level Costume
4. Currently Equipped Costume
5. Unequipped Costume
9. Fast Facility Upgrade Feature Added
- Pressing and holding the upgrade button in the Manage Facility window will repeatedly upgrade the corresponding facility.
10. Observatory Popup Window Added
- A confirmation popup window will be displayed when accessing the observatory with a limited cat.
11. Red Dot Alert Improved
- The red dot alert, previously shown with every login, now appears only once per day upon the first login.
- After viewing it once, the red dot alert will no longer appear for the remainder of the day.
12. Other bug fixes and improvements
- When Ad Manager Office is fully upgraded, 'Blessed Soup' and 'What to Make?' bonuses will be permanently applied.
- When Ad Manager Office is fully upgarded, only one reward button (Ad reward button) will be displayed in certain contents.
- A confirmation popup will appear when feeding a cat with the maximum Happiness.
- In-game texts have been fixed and modified